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It's Summer...Tick Season What You Should Know


Ticks in Ohio

We see a lot of people that have Lyme Disease coming in for Colonics.  Here is what you should know and how to protect yourself.

According to data from the Ohio Department of Health and the CDC, Lyme disease cases in Ohio have risen more than 700% from 2007 to 2018. The increase is due to the growing prevalence of ticks, the pest known for transmitting the illness. This is why it’s very important that residents work to protect themselves from Ohio ticks and the diseases they carry.


What Types of Ticks are in Ohio?

According to the Ohio Department of Health, the most common ticks that humans will encounter in the state are:

When is Tick Season in Ohio?

Although blacklegged tick can be active nearly all-year round in the state, most encounters with the various types of ticks in Ohio will occur in spring through mid-summer, and then again in the fall.


Are Ticks “Bad” in Ohio?

Because of the high number of Lyme disease cases in Ohio, we highly recommend that residents take certain precautions to protect themselves against vector pests.


In order to limit exposure to ticks, we recommend taking the following steps:


If spending time outdoors, consider wearing long-sleeved shirts, long pants, and closed-toe shoes in order to limit how much of your skin is possible exposed to ticks.

You should also wear light colored clothing in order to make it easier to identify ticks.

Even if wearing long sleeves, be sure to also apply insect repellent with at least 20% DEET.

If in wooded areas, try to avoid vegetation where ticks may be hiding. For hikes, stick to the middle of the trails.

After you are finished outdoors, check yourself, your pets, and your family for ticks.

What to Do If You Are Being Bitten by a Tick in Ohio

If you find a tick on yourself, a family member or a pet, be careful when trying to remove it. Here are key steps to follow:


First, pull back any hair in order to expose the tick.

Next, use a pair of fine-tipped tweezers to gently grasp the head of the tick. Do not grasp the tick’s body as this could inject its blood into the skin.

Pull the tick’s head from the skin in a straight motion, and try to avoid twisting and wiggling.

Once the tick is removed, dispose of it by either flushing it down the toilet, or wrapping it tightly in a tissue and placing it in a closed trash receptacle. Then, wash your hands and the bite area with soap and water.

After the tick is removed, if you develop a rash or fever, contact your doctor.

Find a Tick Exterminator in Ohio Today

If you find ticks around or even in your home, contact a licensed pest control professional.

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